TN Politics - RK Nagar Election / Result Date Analysis on Vedic Astrology
With respect my earlier article, 4 planets Venus, Mercury, Jupiter and Saturn are getting retrograde (in vakra / vakri) position in the following dates:
April 10, 2017 4:35 AM IST
April 15, 2017 3:37 PM IST
At the sun rise time of April 12, 2017, Moon will be transiting over swaathi star which is ruled by Rahu. The planet Rahu is well known for manipulation. People will get biased and do voting. When the results start coming out in April 15, 2017, Moon will be transiting over Anusam star which is ruled by Saturn. The planet Saturn is well known for karmic effects.
Since the election date and results date are coming under the influence of 4 planets getting into vakra position, the election results can surprise many people.
Thats why I mentioned to avoid conducting any subha karyas in my april 2017 monthly predictions. There is no surprise in seeing major changes in politics, government policy changes, changes in jurisdiction, conflicts between the countries, etc.
Written on April 6, 2017