Mark Zuckerberg Horoscope Analysis by KT Astrologer

Mark Zuckerberg is the CEO and founder of Facebook. He was born on May 14, 1984 in White Plains, New York, USA. His time of birth is not published and unknown. Based on life events of Mark Zuckerberg I calculated his time of birth as 1:40 AM. As per this time, he is coming under Makara Lagana (Capricorn Ascendant), Swaathi Star, Thula Rasi (Libra Moon Sign).

Major Events used for calculatio for his time of birth is given below:
Mark Zuckerberg entered Harvard in 2002.
He met his Priscilla Chan in the 2003.
He launched Facebook on February 4, 2004,
He quit Harvard, and moved to Palo Alto, California during Summer of 2004. Facebook had 1 Miilion users by end of 2004.
May 26, 2005 Venture capital firm, invested $12.7 million into Zuckerberg’s network. Facebook had 5.5 million users by end of 2005.
By May 5, 2007, Mark Zuckerberg became the world’s youngest billionaire.
He Married to Priscilla Chan on May 19, 2012.
Facebook IPO date was on May 18, 2012.
Facebook shares were trading in teens by Sep 2012.
Facebook shares reached all time high of 195.32 on Feb 1, 2018
Facebook getting into issues with US presidential campaign from Feb and March 2018

Here is the natal chart:

Mark Zuckerberg Horoscope by KT Astrologer

Click here to access his natal chart

Mark Zuckerberg is having exalted Saturn on his 10th house. Moon and Saturn are making conjunction indicating that he can handle enough stress. Jupiter on 12th house is looking good. Mars and Venus are creating maha parivarthana yoga on his chart. But exalted Sun on his 4th house is not looking good. He will have more problems with politicians and government sector due to Sun and Mars aspect.

He launched Facebook on Feb 4, 2004 soon after he started Saturn Maha Dasa by Dec 5, 2003. Saturn played important role for his life since he is under Sani Maha Dasa. He us having his own schedule of good and bad times based on his natal chart.

Saturn transit on Dhanushu Rasi (Sagittarius) is not looking good for him. Saturn is to remain in Dhanushu Rasi until Jan 23, 2020. He is currently running Rahu Antardasa between Jul 2017 to May 2020. Rahu is known for manipulation and complication. That"s why he is getting into data privacy issues with US presidential campaign. He will get some relief after April 20, 2018 but this will be temporary.

The time between July 2018 and Nov 2018 is looking critical for him. He is due to complete his sani maha dasa Dec 2022. So he may decide to step down as CEO of facebook in the next couple of years. It may happen most likely between July 2018 and Nov 2018 or between Sep 2019 and Feb 2020. He will come out of the current problems by May 2020 when he completes Rahu Antardasa.

Since Mercury is placed on his 4th house and influenced by Ketu, he will focus more onto philanthropy during his Mercury Maha Dasa that begins by Dec 2023.

Written on April 8, 2018