Mars (Exalted and Retrograde) and Ketu Conjunction Effects in 2018

Mars is entering onto Makara Rasi (Capricorn) on May 2, 2018 by 11:15 AM IST. Mars is getting exalted at 28 degrees in Makara Rasi. However, the exalted effects will be felt in entire this sign. When a planet is exalted and getting retrograde, it is unusual scenario. When Mars got exalted and retrograde in the past was Jul 1939 and Aug 1971. It usually happens once in about 30 to 45 years. In such scenario, when Ketu is making conjunction can happen only once in few centuries.

Mars and Ketu will be in together in Makara Rasi between May 02, 2018 11:15 AM IST and Nov 06, 2018 4:25 AM IST. The exact degree conjunction of Mars and Ketu will happen 3 times in this year 2018.

Mars goes retrograde on June 27, 2018 in Makara Rasi at 15 degree and 11 minutes. Mars getting direct station (vakra nivarthi) on Aug 27, 2018 in Makara Rasi at 4 degree and 35 minutes.

Mars is also called red planet. It represents energy, passion, drive, violent, war, weapons, military. Ketu is a shadow planet and also called south node. It represents sorrow, loss, spirituality, moksha, wisdom, fantasy, carrier of arms and weapons.

Having said that Mars and Conjunction will be brutally violent and is not good for world peace. The only good thing can happen is many people will get more interest towards spirituality, astrology and moksha. It comes out because of too much of pain and suffering.

There will be more conflicts in political parties and countries. The major event that may take place during Mars and Ketu conjunction is the possibility of man-made disaster indicating war, military attack, nuclear weapon testing especially few days around the following dates:

Jun 14, 2018
Jun 27, 2018
Jul 18, 2018
Aug 27, 2018
Sep 22, 2018

The most critical date here is Sep 22, 2018 while Saturn is also making exact degree aspect with Mars and Ketu. Things will calm down by Nov 6, 2018.

The other major changes people may experience is fall in real estate prices and stock market correction. Unknown diseases are likely to spread with Mars and Ketu conjunction. Number of accidents will be much more than usual rate including train, flights or multicar collision.