Kathir Subbiah (KT Astrologer) Part #1 of Talks of Cinema Interview

TalksOfCinema, a popular YouTube Channel in TamilNadu interviewed KT Astrologer (Kathir Subbiah) and telecasted on March 17, 2020. If you do not know tamil language, you can continue to read the transcript in english. Otherwise you can click the YouTube link to watch it in Tamil.

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0.53 Murali Hi viewers, Welcome to Talks of Cinema.
0.55 Murali Today, in this special interview, we have Kathir Subhaia, also known as K T Astrologer with us.
1.01 Murali Hello Sir,
1.02 KT Astrologer Hello
1.02 Welcome to the show, how are you?
1.03 KT Astrologer Yeah, I’m fine, how are you?
1.05 Murali Super! (I’m doing well)
1.06 Murali So, I got shocked seeing your profile first, because, you are working at Microsoft as a Senior Engineer, and at the same time as a passion you are also doing astrology, and your predictions are also mostly correct.
1.19 Murali How did this also start?
1.22 Murali Being a software engineer and an Astrologer at the same time. This combination is amazing!
1.25 KT Astrologer Actually both started at the same time.
1.27 KT Astrologer I started with IT career at my young age, probably from 1998 /99 I’m working in IT industry
1.36 KT Astrologer During the same period, I got interest towards numbers and patterns.
1.4 KT Astrologer If date of birth, then I started calculating which date and year a person is born, and find if there are any pattern in it, and I was see something similar like this.
1.53 KT Astrologer Later I got interest on astrology, and started researching more about it and started exploring about how many stars are there, how many zodiac signs are there, are there any characteristics similarities or if there any differences between them, and much more.
2.09 KT Astrologer Over the period of time, with the pattern I have, I started predicting myself and I predicted for myself, predicted for my friends, and for a few others. It really worked out. So, I started researching on the same for about 10 years. With this 10 years of gained knowledge from the research, I wanted to serve the society and started a website in 2010, ktastrologer.com.
2.35 KT Astrologer For almost last 10 years, I run my website and I also have a YouTube channel.
2.42 KT Astrologer When any major events are likely to happen, I predict and post them on my website and YouTube channel.
2.46 KT Astrologer For example, in the event of Trump victory, I predicted almost a year ago and posted about his victory on my website.
2.54 Murali How did you predict Trump victory, and how did people welcome your predictions? Because in U.S, it is very rare to see people predict astrology accurately and say confidently.
3.07 KT Astrologer There are people to say, but they may predict late and nobody exactly predicted that Trump will win.
3.15 KT Astrologer The time I said is very important. It is of course little difficult to predict even before Trump was nominated and say that he will win the election.
3.26 Murali So you predicted even before the candidate was nominated.
3.3 KT Astrologer Yes, even before nominated.
3.31 Murali OK Super Sir!
3.32 Murali Predicting at that time is really challenging, because even after he came, many were telling that he will not win.
3.36 KT Astrologer Yes, were telling he will not win.
3.37 Murali You told even before he was nominated as President candidate.
3.42 KT Astrologer Yeah! Correct!
3.43 Murali Super Sir!
3.44 Murali And now, something that is disturbing the entire world is, Corona Virus.
3.47 KT Astrologer Yes!
3.48 Murali Everyone knew this officially. Started from China, now it has spread across the world.
3.51 Murali When will this be controlled / stop? When will the medicine and vaccinations be found? When will people get back to their normal life? Please tell us your opinion about this.
4 KT Astrologer OK. I have done a video on this by February 1st week. And the progress is also working according to my predictions. There are no major changes from what I predicted.
4.16 KT Astrologer The main reasons for this is, Ragu and Kethu – Sarpa Grahas
4.21 KT Astrologer Kethu is the main reason for this.
4.24 KT Astrologer On 29th March, Guru is transisting as Adhi saram from Dhanusu rasi to Makara rasi. So when transisting, Guru will combine with Saturn. This leads to, Neecha Banga Raja Yogam and as a result, we will start getting medicines for this virus.
4.4 KT Astrologer So, after 29th March, we will start getting the medicines fast.
4.46 KT Astrologer After that, it will start getting controlled. But we cannot expect the results soon after Guru transit, of course, we may start getting the information about it on the first day of the transit, but it may take a few weeks to reach people.
5.01 KT Astrologer So if the effect starts from 29th March, then almost by end of April, things may get to normal mode.
5.1 KT Astrologer We will start getting medicines and at the same time diagnoses / testing will also be done quickly. Therefore, there are no issues on this regards.
5.15 KT Astrologer By April end, everything will get normal.
5.19 Murali OK sir, so will everything come to normal mode?
5.21 KT Astrologer Business and Airline industry will not get affected. Everything will come back to its normal mode.
5.29 KT Astrologer But until the Rahu Ketu transit happens, there will be some domination. Of course, people are being quarantined and this impact will be there until existing Rahu Ketu transit completes.
5.42 KT Astrologer The transit will happen on 25th September, 2020. Until then the impact will be there. After that it will become seasonal like a flu, but by then we have enough time and we will get the medicines and vaccinations.
6 KT Astrologer If it occurs next year, there will not be any impact and we can easily take it over.
6.04 Murali So, you mean say that from next year this will be added as a normal disease like a headache and fever and so people may not fear any more.
6.1 KT Astrologer Yes, that’s it, no need to fear further.
6.11 Murali People need not fear about it.
6.13 KT Astrologer Yes, no need to fear.
6.14 KT Astrologer Once March ends, everyone will come to a comfort zone.
6.17 Murali OK
6.18 KT Astrologer By March end we will start getting the medicines, and by April end everyone will start feeling the comfort.
6.28 Murali So from this period to till 29th March, how the causality rate will be Sir? Will that be controlled?
6.33 KT Astrologer Yes, it will start reducing, because almost at all places, travel is banned and quarantined, therefore, the impact will start reducing.
6.42 KT Astrologer So astrologically, Mars is transiting on 22nd March. Even that will help to control. And when Guru transit happens, there will be a complete control over the virus.
6.53 KT Astrologer Henceforth, the impact will start reducing step-by-step.
6.57 Murali An other important thing is, how its impact will be in Tamil Nadu and India? Because there no any impact in Tamil Nadu until now, and people wish everyone should be fine. How will be the impact of Corona Virus in Tamil Nadu and India?
7.1 KT Astrologer Usually, in the warm climate the spread of virus will be under the control and since Tamil Nadu is near Equator, the impact of virus will be less.
7.3 Murali OK Sir, if we see the world countries near Equator, the impact is less.
7.34 KT Astrologer Yes, impact is less.
7.35 Murali India, Sri Lanka and West Indies and other countries
7.37 KT Astrologer Yeah, in all these countries the impact is less. So there will not be huge impact.
7.41 Murali Super Sir. So we discussed a lot about Corona, now shall we see about cinema?
7.48 KT Astrologer Yeah, definitely!
7.49 Murali How the zodiac signs of the Tamil cinema are stars now? How will their time be in next 5 to 10 years?
7.58 KT Astrologer In cinema, Sukra Dasa is very important. Because once Sukra Dasa comes, people usually say that there will be money shower, and it is a Raja yogam.
8.1 KT Astrologer But Venus will do both good things and the same time for some people it will take to a very horrible situation in life. So both the benefits are there.
8.16 KT Astrologer If Moon stars are on top position, for them Sukra Dasa is positive. Because it is positive, they are on top position.
8.23 KT Astrologer So for both Vijay Sir, and Ajit Sir, it is now Sukra Dasa
8.29 Murali For both?
8.3 KT Astrologer For both it is Sukra Dasa . So, predicting from their date of birth, at present both are having Sukra Dasa . But to know at which year it exactly started, we need their exact time of birth.
8.43 KT Astrologer That information is not available at Wikipedia site, so I couldn’t fetch that detail, but for both it is Sukra Dasa now.
8.49 KT Astrologer So both will do very well. They will shine well, and at the same time their movies are great hit.
8.56 Murali Now the fans of both the stars wish them to move to other filed apart from cinema. What is your opinion about this?
9.09 KT Astrologer To say apart from cinema, Sukra Dasa is for 20 years. Of 20 years for Vijay Sir, it is almost 6-7 since it started and similarly for Ajith Sir, it is 8-9 years since Sukra Dasa started.
9.23 KT Astrologer Since I don’t have their time of birth, I couldn’t say the exact time.
9.31 KT Astrologer After Sukra Dasa , Suriya Dasa begins. Sun represents government and that also represent politics. So when Soriya dasa begins after Sukra Dasa , there is a chance for both to enter politics.
9.41 KT Astrologer For Vijay Sir, Sun is in the star at Rahu, and this also represents the strong position of Sun. when Sun is Rahu pada, this is quite a strong position. So the chance for him to shine in politics is high.
9.59 KT Astrologer At the same time, for Ajith Sir, Sun is at peak. So Sun will be with full power and so even for him there is a lot of chances to enter politics.
10.07 Murali So you mean to say that both stars have huge chances to enter politics.
10.13 KT Astrologer Yeah, both have huge chances.
10.15 Murali So, super Sir! Both their fans will be waiting eagerly and they may also start following you.
10.21 Murali You will start getting many followers on social media, like Facebook and in which ever social media activity you are.
10.26 Murali And next, You are in Microsoft as Software Engineer, and for that you need to work very hard spending huge time and that too you in America and nothing to brief special about it.
10.37 Murali So when the pressure is high in that job, how do you manage your time for astrology? Because it appears like you are doing with full passion and not as a hobby. How do you manage your time for both? And besides, you have your family and two children as well. How do you manage your time in the available 24 hours?
10.55 KT Astrologer This is a good question, but still something to say is, once you work hard at office and once you get back home, you may feel you want to relax watching a movie. So you feel relaxed once you watch a movie.
11.11 Murali Yes, we get relaxed.
11.12 KT Astrologer I feel my mind relaxed when I see astrology.
11.13 KT Astrologer So that is the main reason for this. I don’t see astrology as a job.
11.2 Murali A relaxation!
11.21 KT Astrologer Yes, for a relaxation, when I see astrology, there is a satisfaction I get and my mind relaxes.
11.24 KT Astrologer So when there is pressure in the work, when I see astrology, my mind pressure reduces. So that is the main reason for me to be positive and become successful in both the field.
11.37 Murali Won’t both your wife and children scold you? Because the moment you reach home from office you start with astrology, and they may ask you “where do you spend time for us?”
11.43 KT Astrologer Definitely!
11.44 KT Astrologer Definitely, there will be such problems, of course, I need to thank both my wife and children and at the same time I also say sorry to them.
11.53 Murali So for your wife and children, you may not be able to do anything according to astrology, but could only say sorry to them, is that right Sir?
12 Murali Due to astrology, you may not be able to make them happy.
12.02 KT Astrologer Yeah, I need to spend time for them and make them happy. I need to change that, yeah, I know that.
12.08 Murali OK, that is correct Sir, only if both your wife and children are in good understanding with you, you will be able to do this. Because only if they keep you relaxed at home, you can concentrate on both the jobs
12.19 KT Astrologer Yeah, that’s right.
12.2 Murali OK Sir, now something that many people think about is, if in the horoscope chart they see that the time is not good, how can they correct the time?
12.32 Murali Because many say about doing parikaram and if they do that, is there any chances for the time to get better in life or regardless of what they do, will it be the same?
12.43 KT Astrologer We cannot change what is going to happen. If it is like there is going to be a heavy rain and wind, then we cannot change that. But we can take an umbrella with us, when there is a heavy rain and this can reduce the impact.
13 KT Astrologer That is the usage of parikaram. But we can never change what is going to happen. Definitely not!
13.07 KT Astrologer Being a common man, it is not possible to change things that are to happen.
13.12 KT Astrologer For that we need to have God’s blessings, or through spiritual leaders or other methods.
13.22 KT Astrologer Otherwise, when leading a normal life, and by doing parikaram, may we can reduce the intensity. We can try to reduce the bad effects and try to digest the causes due to it, but apart it is not possible to completely stop or change that.
13.42 Murali Now, when it comes to seeing astrological chart for marriage, some use to say to perform parikaram before marriage and then proceed, such that your life will be good. Or if they try to proceed with marriage without parikaram, then the life may not be good as expected.
14 Murali Because they would have predicted according to the matches. What is your opinion about that?
14.03 KT Astrologer We can do parikaram. I’ll definitely say to do parikaram.
14.06 Murali Because they believe, by doing the parikaram, things may get well.
14.08 KT Astrologer Yes, it is good to do parikaram.
14.09 KT Astrologer Definitely we need to do. That can help to reduce the intensity. We do parikaram to mainly reduce the intensity.
14.2 KT Astrologer But, because we have done the parikaram, please don’t think that everything will completely change.
14.25 KT Astrologer For example, if they say you are about to lose your job, but if you do the parikaram, probably, That is, if you are about to lose your job in three months, and then you may secure it for up to four and a half or five months. Moreover, the duration to get a new job can be fast.
14.45 KT Astrologer So, the intensity can be reduced, but the effect or the incidence what has happen cannot be completely changed.
14.52 Murali So, you mean to say that the job loss will definitely happen, but before that we will get an other job.
14.57 KT Astrologer Yes, you will get it a job.
14.58 Murali So the intensity will reduce.
15 KT Astrologer Yes, will reduce.
15.01 KT Astrologer Mainly for the financial problem, people fear job loss. So, when that gets fixed, you may not fear for this.
15.08 Murali There will not be a serious impact.
15.09 KT Astrologer Yes, there will be no impact.
15.1 Murali Need to do Parikaram.
15.11 KT Astrologer If we do parikaram, the impact will reduce.
15.13 Murali Because many people believe that once we do parikaram, every problem is solved.
15.17 KT Astrologer That’s it, parikaram is not to stop what is actually to happen, but to accept what is going to happen and reduce the intensity.
15.27 Murali And the next this is, you have done many researches. Please tell us something about that. What type of researches have you done so far? What is your idea about things you are going to do in astrology in the coming future?
15.38 KT Astrologer I do research mainly on the world events like predicting earth quakes. But that research is on-going. It may even take many years to complete. But the main use of it is we can stop the life loss. If we get to know the place where it is going to happen, then we can do the required precaution. This is my next focus.
16.07 KT Astrologer But may take many more years too.
16.11 Murali Many years?
16.12 Murali When we take astrology, there are many different types in it. What type of astrology are you following?
16.2 Murali Because there are many, like numerology, some predicts with the chart, some predict with palm lines. So out of many such types available, which type of astrology, do you follow?
16.33 KT Astrologer I see astrology based on the birth date, time and place of birth.
16.41 KT Astrologer I use Krishnamoorthy Panchangam. There are also two more Panchangam. Thirukanitham and Lahari Panchangam.
16.49 KT Astrologer There will not be a huge difference in the coordinates among these three Panchangam.
16.52 KT Astrologer Regardless of which I choose, out of 1000 only 1 may have a slight difference in the prediction.
16.58 KT Astrologer All three have close coordinates and there are no major differences between them.
17.02 KT Astrologer What I use is Krishnamoorthy Panchangam.
17. 5 KT Astrologer An other type is Vaakiya Panchangam. Especially many people of past generation used this, but now no one adopt that.
17.12 KT Astrologer I mean, the use of Vaakiya Panchangam is reduced in recent days.