Jupiter Transit (2016 - 2017) Family and Relationship Horoscope (Guru Peyarchi / Guru Gochar) for Gemini (Midhuna Rasi)

Family and Relationship

Jupiter on your 3rd house in the last one year, would have created so many problems and misunderstanding with your spouse and other close family members. Since Jupiter is entering onto much better position, Saturn and Rahu will deliver excellent positive results. Your relationship conflicts will go down and there will not be any more family politics. You will develop good relationship with your spouse.
You would be able to conduct many subha karya functions during this Jupiter transit including wedding, baby shower, house warming, major milestone anniversaries, etc. Since Saturn is also very much supportive on your 6th house of runa roga sathru sthanam, you will come out of litigation problems with your family members. Your children will outperform and bring good news to you. Overall your family regain more name and fame in the society.

You do not have to worry about next Saturn transit by 2017 since Jupiter will protect you from your poorva punya sthanam from Sep 2017 for one year. So your time is looking excellent for the next two years in a row.

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