Jupiter Transit (2016 - 2017) Health Horoscope (Guru Peyarchi / Guru Gochar) for Gemini (Midhuna Rasi)


In the last one year, you would have gone through more mental stress because of malefic Jupiter. Even though your physical health is not affected much, the mental stress would have caused some problems, mainly mental anxiety or depression in extreme cases. Now things are going to change almost by overnight with the current transit of Jupiter.
The array of planets Jupiter, Saturn, Mars and Rahu have lined up in good position, you would get lot of positive energies that can wipe out your mental stress completely. People suffer from chronic depression would also come out and can start leading life happily.

You would start giving more importance to your health now. Your energy levels will be more. You would not get tired even after working for so many hours. Sports person will get a big break through and even get more fame in the next one year. Your body will react fast to bring down your cholesterol, sugar and BP level even with small work outs and simple medication. The current transit of Jupiter would make sure you get and maintain sound health.

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