Jupiter Transit (2016 - 2017) Movie Stars and Politicians Horoscope (Guru Peyarchi / Guru Gochar) for Taurus (Rishaba Rasi)

People in the field of Movie, Arts, Politics, etc

In the last one year, Movie stars, producers, directors, distributors would have suffered a lot with no fortunes. Besides your family problems would have taken too much of your time and you would have to artificially smile even though you are not happy. Politician and other VIPs would have also experienced very difficult time.
Now Jupiter will bring big fortunes and you will start getting wonderful opportunities to prove yourself. If your projects got stuck in the recent past, you will get enough funding to move forward. If you are a new movie star, you will get opportunity to establish your name in the industry. Accumulation of more fame is highly indicated on the cards. Great financial rewards are most likely happen. Make sure you invest money into diversified portfolio since Asthama Sani is going to kick off by end of 2017 in full force.

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