Jupiter Transit (2016 - 2017) Finance / Money Horoscope (Guru Peyarchi / Guru Gochar) for Virgo (Kanni Rasi)

Finance / Money

You would have seen a good peak on your finance in the last one year. You would have had very much comfortable life based on the transit planets. Now Janma Guru will start creating more financial problems and give you more bitter pills to affect your finance. You will have to keep spending more money on travel, medical or home / car repair, legal expenses. The money on your savings account will drain out very fast with in few months. Things are looking bad but not worse, since Saturn will give you enough support to withstand and cross this period peacefully.
Make sure to pay your payments dues for utilities in time. Since even if you miss one payment, it will go to collection and can affect your credit score. Your bank loans will get approved as this year progress. Credit card applications will also get rejected for no valid reason. If you want to get more cash buffer, then apply for bank loans and credit cards applications before first week of Sep 2016. Otherwise you will have to wait at least until early next year.

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