Jupiter Transit (2016 - 2017) (First Phase) Horoscope (Guru Peyarchi / Guru Gochar) for Virgo (Kanni Rasi)

Aug 11, 2016 to Sep 20, 2016 Very Good Time (75 / 100)

When Jupiter enters onto your Janma Rashi, you will not get affected much. Because Jupiter will take some time to before it is giving you the bitter pills. You will continue to retain your sound health. If you have done any surgeries in the past, you will recover very soon.
Even though Jupiter is on your Janma Sthanam, there will not be any malefic effects until Sep 20, 2016. It is the time you can expect to have many subha karyas happening in your family. If you have bought a home, it is an excellent time to move in. Your family will continue to gain more name and fame in the society. The relationship with your spouse is looking excellent. It is a great time for conjugal bliss. If you have already started IVF / IUI process, then the results will come positive.

It is going to be a golden period for your career. Big fortunes are indicated unexpectedly. You may get promoted to next level and you would be able to join in a big company with excellent salary package. Business people will enjoy windfall profits in these 6 weeks. But make sure to protect your assets very well in this phase, since the rest of the year may not be looking great.
You will do extremely well on your finance and investments. Options speculators and day traders will book windfall profits in this time short time period. You need to make sure to come out of the market as quickly as possible before Sep 15, 2016. If you have any plans to buy a home, it is better to close the deal before Sep 15, 2016. Real estate transactions can go well on your favor now.

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