Jupiter Transit (2017 - 2018) Health Horoscope (Guru Peyarchi / Guru Gochar) for Aries (Mesha Rasi)


The combination of Jupiter 6th house and Saturn on 8th house in the past one year, would have affected your health badly. If you have done any surgeries, you will come out of the pain and start feeling good. Since Jupiter is aspecting your Janma Rashi, you will feel more positive energies. You will come out of prolonged mental anxiety problems.
There is no surprise if you family members experienced any major health problems in the past one year. Your medical expenses will be very less going forward. If you have gained more weight due to excessive work or depression, you will do more workouts and bring down your numbers to normal. You can use the next one year to regain and maintain sound health.

Listening aditya hridayam and Hanuman Chalisa in the mornings to gain more strength. You can also recite sudharsana maha mantra! You will also gain spirital knowledge since Jupiter aspecting your Janma Rasi.

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