Jupiter Transit (2017 - 2018) Horoscope (Guru Peyarchi / Guru Gochar) for Cancer (Kataga Rasi)


All major planets Jupiter, Saturn, Rahu and Ketu were not in good position in the past one year! There is no surprise you would have gone through many personal problems and emotional turmoil on your life. Especially you might have got affected personally and psychologically with the array planets lined up in the last 12 months.
Now Jupiter coming out of miserable third house, is big positive news for you! Besides the next Saturn transit is looking excellent for you! Your time is looking superb going forward in the long run for about two years continuously.

With the current transit of Jupiter, you will see many positive changes on your life. Especially you will regain your energy levels. Your mental stress and anxiety level will go down to great extent! Even though Rahu is not placed well it is unlikely to affect you adversely.

You will do very well on your career and you will start coming out of your financial problems gradually. You have completed all your testing period and congratulations for graduating from the rough patch on your life! It is a time for you to smile and keep moving up in your life with great success!

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