Jupiter Transit (2017 - 2018) Trading and Investments Horoscope (Guru Peyarchi / Guru Gochar) for Cancer (Kataga Rasi)

Trading and Investments

If you had been trading the stock market in the last few years, you might have incurred huge losses. This might have trigged major financial crisis on your personal life as well. You might have gone through humiliation with no money in front of your friends and relatives. No one was willing to bailout from your financial problems.
With the transit of Jupiter, you will get good support and new doors will open. If you have kept your stock position without selling, then you can continue to hold and the prices will recover at faster pace. It is not a good idea to enter stock market without checking your natal chart. Because you did not know how much paper losses you carry based on your destiny.

Hence day trading and speculative trading is not advised until Sep 2018. If you do not want to wait that longer time, then you may need to check your natal chart with your astrologer. If you have accumulated good amount of money on your saving account, you can move forward with investing in real estate market. The properties you buy may shoot up in its value in the next few years.

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