Jupiter Transit (2017 - 2018) (Fourth Phase) Horoscope (Guru Peyarchi / Guru Gochar) for Pisces (Meena Rasi)

Jul 10, 2018 to Oct 11, 2018 Bad Time (25 / 100)

This is going to be worst part of the current Jupiter transit. Things may get crazy and can go out of your control. You will have emotional anguish with the changes going on your life. You may have many sleepless nights. You may develop more worries or mental anxiety. Listen to Sudharsana Maha Mantra to feel better. You need to increase your prayers and meditation as well to gain more strength.
There will be conflicts or disputes with your spouse. Lovers are due to go through hard time to stay in relationship. If you are not careful, it can create temporary separation. Your children will not listen to your words. Avoid planning for any subha karya functions. You may get humiliated in front of your relatives with no fault of yours. False allegation can affect your reputation badly. It will be hard for you to get acquittal from criminal charges. The best strategy is to delay the court cases until Oct 2018 to get support from Jupiter.

Working professionals will have another round of testing period. There is no surprise if you get laid off or terminated. If you expect promotions or salary hikes, you will get disappointed. You will suffer from hidden enemies and office politics. Business people will face major financial crisis. You may even consider filing bankruptcy with weak natal chart.
It is going to be a challenging time for your finance. You may need to depend on credit cards for survival. No surprise if you are forced to borrow money for daily financial needs. Needless to state you need to stay out of trading in stock market. You will get significant relief once Jupiter moves onto your 9th house of bhakya sthanam by Oct 11, 2018.

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