Jupiter Transit (2017 - 2018) Horoscope (Guru Peyarchi / Guru Gochar) for Pisces (Meena Rasi)


You would have enjoyed good fortunes in the past with Jupiter on your 7th house. Saturn on 9th house and Rahu on 6th house would have supported your growth especially from May 2017. Jupiter is moving onto your 8th house on Sep 11, 2017. This can create more bitter experience for you. The next Saturn transit on 10th house can increase the intensity of the problems.
You are due to go through personal and family problems. If you are having weak natal chart, then it can create mental anguish and anxiety. Your career and finance will get affected. You need to be careful in keeping your reputation, especially if you are holding any positions in public or charity organization.

You need to stay patient and develop more tolerance to cross this rough patch of your life. Avoid taking any important decisions on personal life, career and finance. If you can stay at the same level without any growth, then it will be a great achievement with the current transit of Jupiter on your 8th house.

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