Jupiter Transit (2017 - 2018) Business and Secondary Income Horoscope (Guru Peyarchi / Guru Gochar) for Sagittarius (Dhanushu Rasi)

Business and Secondary Income

Business people went through sudden debacle with the Sade Sani and unfavorable Jupiter transit in the past 12 months. Your cash flow got affected and making you hard in dealing with debt obligations. Jupiter on your labha sthana will bring good changes for the next 12 months. You will start performing well against your competitors.
You will get good quality of projects from big clients. This can increase your cash flow and financial problems will go down. It is a good time to expand your business by hiring more people. But make sure you check natal chart since you are under sade sani (ezharai sani). Since Saturn will be on Janma Rasi, you will have to manage pressure for delivering projects on time.

Your bank loans will get approved. You will get enough funding through bank loans or new investors. You may need to include your spouse name onto business since Janma sani can affect your growth in the long term that is after Nov 2018. Make sure to cash out some profits around Sep 2018 and reduce your risks.
It is going to be a good time for freelancers, real estate, insurance and commission agents. You will get good commission. You will be happy with the rewards. Your reputation and fame will go up with the strength of Jupiter.

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