Jupiter Transit (2017 - 2018) Movie Stars and Politicians Horoscope (Guru Peyarchi / Guru Gochar) for Scorpio (Vrishchik Rasi)

People in the field of Movie, Arts, Politics, etc

The last few months would have given you good relief and success. But with the current Jupiter transit, there will be enough obstacles to achieve growth and success. You will keep getting opportunities but there will not be enough financial rewards. You will keep accepting the offers for your survival and keep your fame.
Be careful in the first few months of Jupiter transit that is Sep, Oct and Nov 2017. Since you may have conflicts with your seniors that can affect your growth adversely. You will do much better from Dec 2017 onwards.
It is not a good idea for movie producers or distributors to take any risk. Because you will be spending more but returns will be less. Make sure to have enough documents for your income since audit problems are likely.

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