Jupiter Transit (2017 - 2018) Trading and Investments Horoscope (Guru Peyarchi / Guru Gochar) for Taurus (Rishaba Rasi)

Trading and Investments

You would have done well on your investments in the past one year! But you need to get out of stock market trading completely since Jupiter is moving onto your runa roga sathru sthanam. All your stock market analysis and calculations can go wrong with stock market manipulation. It is one of the bad time to stay in stock market.
If you are long term investor, you can cash out good portion of investments onto fixed instruments and hedge the remaining portfolio. You can take only calculated risks! If you lose money in the next over one year, it will be huge. It may even take several years to recover the losses.

It is not safe to buy new home or invest in any real estate properties for the next one year. If you have rental properties and land, you may expect to have problems through tenant or intruders. Make sure that you have got some natal chart strength, if you have deal with any transactions that cannot be avoided.
KT Astrologer Favorite Quote: When your time is not good, if you sell, the stock price will go up significantly with takeover offer. If you buy any stock, it will go down with bankruptcy rumor. In either case, you cannot win against planets when your time is not good.

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