Jupiter Transit (2017 - 2018) (First Phase) Horoscope (Guru Peyarchi / Guru Gochar) for Virgo (Kanni Rasi)

Sep 11, 2017 to Oct 25, 2017 Money Shower(90 / 100)

This is going to be a golden period for you. Saturn, Jupiter and Rahu will be in excellent position for you during this 6 weeks. There is no surprise if you become millionaire during this period. You will have extraordinary positive energies on your body. All your personal and family problems will get fixed without any further delays. You will be happy in hosting subha karya functions.
It is a golden period to get married. You will gain good name and fame through wedding. Love and romance will show you heaven during this period. Conjugal bliss is highly indicated on the cards. Your long term or even life time dreams can come true during this short phase. You will see big victory on your pending litigation. There is no surprise if you get lump sum settlement through lawsuit.

You will rock on your career with great success. You will get promoted to next level with big salary hikes. You will get enough respect at your workplace. Your hidden enemies will surrender in front of you! Business people will have astonishing recovery and book excellent profits with new business deals. There is no surprise if you get a takeover offer for your startup business that can make you multi-millionaire by overnight.
You will get enough cash flow to pay off your debts in one settlement. It is a good time to try out your luck on lottery. Your stock investments can give you excellent profits. Day traders and speculator can get windfall profits with trading. Make sure to check your natal chart before taking risks on your investments.

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