Jupiter Transit (2018 - 2019) Family and Relationship Horoscope (Guru Peyarchi / Guru Gochar) for Aries (Mesha Rasi)

Family and Relationship

The next 12 months are going to be a challenging time in having good relationship with family and relatives. You need to spend more time with your family members to understand their needs and expectation. You may develop unwanted arguments, conflicts or misunderstanding with your spouse, in-laws or even with parents. The people who are very close to you can be problematic for you. It may come out for good reason like too much of possessiveness with your spouse. But it does require more soft skills to handle the situation.
Your children may not listen your words and may surprise you with their love affairs. It is not the right time to finalize marriage proposal or conduct any subha karya functions. If you are going through litigation with your family members such as divorce, child custody or property related issues, then things may not go well. You may have to start paying for alimony as well. It can give you more financial pressure.

Rahu transit by March 2019 will provide good relief to you. Jupiter moving onto your 9th house as adhi saram in April 2019 will help faster healing to come out of emotional pain. However you need to stay patient for entire Jupiter transit to maintain good relationship.

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