Jupiter Transit (2018 - 2019) Trading and Investments Horoscope (Guru Peyarchi / Guru Gochar) for Aries (Mesha Rasi)

Trading and Investments

Jupiter on 8th house is a clear warning sign for your stock trading and investments. Since Saturn is also in bhakya sthanam, the heat of malefic Jupiter will be high. You will not have any fortunes on trading and investments. Hence it is better to stay away from trading completely.
Even if you are a professional trader or long-term investors, you may get burned with losses. To mitigate risks, make sure you hedge your portfolio completely. You may lose money on every bet you make. All your analysis will go wrong due to stock price manipulation.

It is not a good time to buy a new home or invest in any real estate properties. You may expect to have problems from your tenants on your rental properties. If you own land, then you may experience problems through trespassers! Avoid doing any real estate transactions without checking your natal chart.

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