Jupiter Transit (2018 - 2019) Horoscope (Guru Peyarchi / Guru Gochar) for Gemini (Midhuna Rasi)
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Jupiter transit on your Poorva Punya Sthana in the past one year would have provided good fortunes. You would have experience many good changes on your life. The impact of Sani Bhagavan on your Kalathra Sthana would have gone down in the past.
Now Jupiter is moving onto your runa roga sathru sthanam on Oct 11, 2018. Rahu will be moving onto your Janma Rasi by March 2019. Saturn and Ketu will be making conjunction on your 7th house. The array of planets will keep moving against you for the next 12 months.
Your health may get affected adversely. There will be family and office politics that may take out your mental peace. Your financial situation is not looking great. You may expect to have problems on travelling and immigration.
Overall you are being placed under testing period for the next 12 months. Make sure to have enough medical insurance, property insurance, auto insurance. Keep enough prayers and listen to Vishnu Sahasranamam to reduce the malefic effects of Jupiter.

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