2012 April Monthly Horoscope Predictions for Aries (Mesha Rasi)


Astrology - April 2012 Monthly Horoscope (Rasi Palan) For Mesha Rasi (Aries)

Sun will be transiting into your 12th house and 1st house indicating unfavorable position for entire this month. Jupier, Saturn and Mars are not favorable positions. Venus is in a favorable position for the entire month but mercury is not good spot for this month. However the effect of Jupiter transit into Rishabha and Saturn transit into Kanni by May 17 can be felt from this month onwards. As these two transits are very much favorable for you and hence you can feel some relief and the bottom has been already seen by you. But wait until May to take any new steps or venture.

As SUN is moving through 12th and 1st house during this month, you will have to face obstacles during this mont. You might be blammed at your work in the beginning of this month and work pressure is also indicated. Your health may also suffer during second half of this month.

Note that major planets are in transtition phas to support you, you cannot expect any returns from your investments immediately and but you will see things are bottoming now. It is better to stay away from any kind of investments for this month at least. You have to go through mental stress, health related problems and unexpected losses for entire this month. Mars is very strong in in 5th house, problems related to family and children are likely. Avoid unnecessary arguments with spouse. You may have to increase your debt as the time moves on this month.

Inflow of money is unlikely except your salary income. But you will have very good news from next month onwards. Get ready to enjoy the breeze.

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