2012 April Monthly Horoscope Predictions for Capricorn (Makara Rasi)


Astrology - April 2012 Monthly Horoscope (Rasi Palan) for Makara Rasi (Capricorn)

Sun will be transiting into your 3rd house and 4th house indicating favorable positions in the first half of this month. As major planets Jupier and Saturn are not in good position, you have to avoid speculative investments and day trading. To make things worse, mars is on your 8th house would create unwanted pressure and tension with in you. Venus is very much favorable for you this month. Mercury is also not supportive of your growth.

However this month would not be too bad compared to March 2012. Because the effect of Jupiter transit into Rishabha and Saturn transit into Kanni by May 17 can be felt from this month onwards and it is going to bring you awesome news and excellent time for you. Both of these transits are very much favorable for you. You will start enjoy your time from end of this month onwards.

Speculative trading and short term investments would continue to have serious losses. But finance condition will improve a lot from April 14 onwards. You will see many positve changes happening to you by end of this month. Your health would be in the recovery phase during this month and can recover completely after Guru Peyarchi. Mars is good enough to create health problems by sitting on your 8th house. Mars will lose its strength only after Guru Peyarchi.

Work environment keep getting better day by day during this month. Mental stress would get reduced to great extend by end of this month compared to March 2012. Business People and traders will see a very slow growth with profits and customers. Guru is in his full force and making fast movements towards Rishabha Rashi will start enrich you during this month. Your long waited good time has just started from this month.

You will be completely in recovery phase during this month. Get ready and buckle up to see your sky rocketting growth in the coming months. Have a wonderful time!

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