2012 April Monthly Horoscope Predictions for Scorpio (Vrishchik Rasi)


Astrology - April 2012 Monthly Horoscope (Rasi Palan) for Vrichiga Rasi (Scorpio)

Sun will be transiting into your 5th house and 6th house indicating that the second month would be much better than the first half. As major planets Jupier, Saturn and Mars are NOT very much supportive, you have to avoid speculative investments and day trading completely. Both Venus and Mercury are also NOT in a favorable position for this month.

However this month would not be too bad compared to March 2012. Because the effect of Jupiter transit into Rishabha and Saturn transit into Kanni by May 17 can be felt from this month onwards and it is going to bring you awesome news and excellent time for you. Both of these transits are very much favorable for you. You will start enjoy your time from end of this month onwards.

Continue to avoid trading for this month also completely. Your health needs attention and family environment would not be supportive for you. Work pressure is also in begining of this month since Mars is very strong on your 10th house. However you will keep gaining energy day by day and your health will recover completely by end of this month.

Your hidden enemies at your work place will lose their strength completely. Your expenses will get complete control by end of this month. Students will get enough energy every day to score good marks on their exams. Business people and trader would have crossed thier worst period and they will see the real spring during this month. You can start looking into buy a new house / land, buy buy it after Guru Peyarchi. June and July 2012 would be the perfect time and you may start looking from this month onwards.

Any pending issues with immigration? No worries, you will get through it very smoothly after April 14, 2012. Overall you will have excellent time from end of this month onwards. Get ready to enjoy the breeze and have a wonderful time!

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