2012 December Monthly Horoscope Predictions by KT Astrologer


Astrology - December 2012 Monthly Horoscope (Rasi Palan)

Sun will be transiting into Viruchiga Rasi and Dhanushu during this month. Mars is aleady in Dhanushu Rasi and move onto Makara Rasi on Dec 18 and it will stay there on Makara rasi for rest this month. Jupiter Rx will continue in Rishaba Rasi and Saturn will continue tranist in Thula Rasi. Rahu and Ketu are transiting onto Thula Rasi and Mesha Rasi respectively on from Dec 25, 2012 is a major even of this month.

Should you have any questions based on your natal chart, you can reach out KT Astrologer for consultation, email: ktastrologer@gmail.com

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