2012 February Monthly Horoscope Predictions for Virgo (Kanni Rasi)


Astrology - February 2012 Monthly Horoscope (Rasi Palan) for Kanni Rasi (Virgo)

Sun will be transiting into your 5th house and 6th house indicating the second half of this month would be reasonably better. As major planets Jupier, Saturn and Mars are not in favorable positions, you have to avoid speculative investments and day trading as significant loss is indicatedd on ths cards. Venus is also not in favorable position.

Avoid any kind of speculative trading and short term investments. Work environment would keep getting worse day by day. No surprise if you are currently unemployed or getting laid off during first half of this month. Problems with in the family and spouse are possible. Your health will suffer a lot and mental stress would be more. Your income would be very less compared your expenses during this month. You will have to borrow money to manage your expenses. You will have some marginal relief from Feb 13, but you will continue to have problems.

Inflow of money is very much unlikely except your salary income, if you are employed.

Unexpected losses and expenses are most likely in the first half of this month.

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