![]() | 2012 July Monthly Horoscope Predictions for Taurus (Rishaba Rasi) |
Taurus | Overview |
Astrology - July 2012 Monthly Horoscope (Rasi Palan) for Rishabha Rasi (Taurus)
Sun will be transiting into your 2nd house and 3rd house indicating favorable position second of this month. Jupiter, Saturn, Mercury, Rahu and Ketu are already in unfavorable position for you during this month. Mars in 5th house will provide some relief, Venus is well placed on this month and that can support your growth.
Your need to do exercise well and maintain your diet to keep up your good health. You have to take a series of bitter pills that will your health very much. You have to keep your mind stable as much as possible during this month. Your suffering is only for the short-term, once saturn moves forward to Thula Rasi in the beginning of the next month will provide you a great releif.
The conflicts and arguments with your spouse will make you mentally unrest. You need to avoid unnecessary arguments with your spouse. Since there is no support from Saturn and Jupiter, you need to have enough patience to maintain a good relationship during this month.
If you are single and looking for a match, you have to wait for one more month. All subha karyas will need to be postponed to later date beyond your control. You can expect to have problems with in your family including spouse and children.
You will face major setback in your career especially in the beginning of this month. You need to adjust yourself in your work environment. Co-workers will point you for no reasons. Your managers will start doing micro management towards you! Your work pressure will come down from July 15 onwards.
It is going to be a very much challenging period on your finance. Expenses will be sky-rocketing and salary cuts are most likely during this month. Stay away from trading, since it can yield only losses.
A severe testing period is indicated during this month. You will feel relief only from from end of this month onwards, until then prayers and meditation can help you to keep your mind stable. You will have many good news from next month onwards. You are almost at the end of your testing period.
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