2012 June Monthly Horoscope Predictions for Aries (Mesha Rasi)


Astrology - June 2012 Monthly Horoscope (Rasi Palan) for Mesha Rasi (Aries)

Sun will be transiting into your 2nd house and 3rd house indicating favorable position on second half of this month. Jupiter, Saturn, Venus, Mercury, Ketu are in very much favorable for you. Mars will become favorable for you from Jun 21, 2012. Rahu will also do good things because of Jupiter. So all planets are getting ready to do good things on your life in this month. Let it be any serious problem you are facing, it will get fixed by end of this month for sure. You can start smiling now!

You will keep gaining energy in your body and mind every day during this month. If you have ailing health, it will recover a lot, by end of this month, you will be very happy about your progress.

With Jupiter and Saturn support, you will enjoy happy time with you family during this month. Any conflicts shown up in the past between your spouse will get resolved. Even if there is a temporary separation due to education, job or any other relocation, your family will join together during this month.

Are you single? You will find a suitable match during this month. If eligible, you may also get blessed with a baby during this time.

Are you unemployed or looking for a change? Here you go! You will get it definitely a Job during this month. No doubt! You will get a very good offer with excellent salary package and position. You may get a visa to travel abroad or your existing immigration problems will get resolved during this month.

The debt limit might have touched the sky in the last one year for you. Now Guru Bhagavan will crash your debt and put down under your feet. You will start settling your debt and your money savings account will start growing in the coming months.

Get ready to start trading, you can invest money into stock from middle of this month. Stock market will yield great profits for you for next 2 months. You may get sudden windfall during this period. However check your natal chart whether it supports favorable for trading.

Overall this month is going to be excellent for you! Start enjoying the upcoming cool breeze.

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