2012 June Monthly Horoscope Predictions for Leo (Simma Rasi)


Astrology - June 2012 Monthly Horoscope (Rasi Palan) for Simha Rasi (Leo)

Sun will be transiting into your 10th house and 11th house indicating favorable position during entire this month. Jupiter and Saturn are already in unfavorable position. Mars in Janma Sthanam is finally moving onto your 2nd house from June 21, 2012 will also support your growth. Mercury, Venus are in good position for you! Both Rahu and Ketu are not placed well for you!

Since there is no support Jupiter and Saturn, your health needs attention. This month would not be too bad, but psychologically you will feel upset since there is no luck and no growth during this month. Since the last over 6 months would have been excellent for you, you will be upset as the month progess. But nothing to be feared. Mars moving onto your 2nd house will help you to recover your health a bit!

The relationship with your spouse and children will have some setback. Since Saturn will aspect your 4th house, you parents health may require some attention. In general, things will be looking good, but the luck you had in the recent past would be missing a lot.

You will face some problems on your career during this month. You need to adjust yourself in your work environment. Co-workers will point you for no reasons. Your managers will start doing micro management towards you! You will save your job with the support from Sun suring this month. Besides Saturn is taking away its support only for couple of weeks, so nothing to be feared on your work environment. With the strong support from Sun, you will get any pending immigration benefits and visa during this month.

Expenses will go up along with decreasing money inflow to your account from various source. Stock market would not be favorable for you!

Overall you will have limited growth during this month.

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