2012 March Monthly Horoscope Predictions for Capricorn (Makara Rasi)


Astrology - March 2012 Monthly Horoscope (Rasi Palan) for Makara Rasi (Capricorn)

Sun will be transiting into your 2nd house and 3rd house indicating favorable positions in the second half of this month. As major planets Jupier and Saturn are not in good position, you have to avoid speculative investments and day trading. To make things worse, mars is on your 8th house would create unwanted pressure and tension with in you. Venus is the only planet in a favorable position for you this month. Mercury is also not supportive of your growth.

Speculative trading and short term investments would have serious losses. Currently you may have to borrow money to manage your expenses. Your health would not be in good condition and work environment keep getting worse day by day. You have to check with your doctor for one reason or another. Mental stress would be more and you have to keep patience. Currently tolerance is the only medicine. Business People and traders will see very dull period of no profits and no customers. You will start seeing a great releif in the second half of this month. As Sun will be on your 3rd house and you may see the next guru peyrachi efforts from end of this month onwards. One good thing is, you will not have any new major problems getting into your life. Guru is in his full force and making fast movements towards Rishabha Rashi will start enrich you from end of this month. Your long waited good time is starting in a couple of weeks.

Inflow of money is very much unlikely except your salary income, if you are employed.

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