2012 September Monthly Horoscope Predictions for Cancer (Kataga Rasi)


Astrology - September 2012 Monthly Horoscope (Rasi Palan) for Kataga Rasi (Cancer)

Sun will be transiting into your 2nd house and 3rd house indicating favorable position for second half of this month. While Jupiter is in good position but Saturn, Ketu and Mars are in terrible position for you this month. Mercury is favorable for you only in the begining of the month. Overall it is going to be a major setback compared to last month because of Mars and Saturn Combination.

Your health requires strong attention from this month onwards. Your mental stress will keep going up due to so many chances happening around you which are beyond your control and yo do not like most of them. You need start doing meditation since your time does not look good and you are now fully placed into a testing period. By end of this month, you may find some relief due the Sun transit into 3rd house, but may not expect anything major.

You would have good relationship with your spouse. But eventhen you would not feel energetic. To keep up your good energy, you have to do prayers and meditation only.

Are you single? Stay caution. You may find your partnet but it does require your natal chart support. Your family would be very much supportive for you and they will give proper guidance during this month.

The current saturn position is famous to take away your existing Job and put your life in miserable state. There is no surprise if you lose your Job without your fault. It may very well happen with Saturn aspect. You may get another Job and you would not be satisfied with the new one but you have to accept it and live with that.

This is going to be a severe testing period for your finance. You may start losing your wealth during this month. Avoid any kind of speculative trading even if your natal chart supports. Jupiter will provide enough financial support and so that you will find some good sources to borrow money to meet your expenses.

You are being placed under a severe testing period because of Saturn and Mars placement in Thula Rasi. However the malefic effects of saturn will not manifest much until mid next of year because of Jupiter. You have to stick into your natal chart for staying at your current position.

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