2013 April Monthly Horoscope Predictions for Cancer (Kataga Rasi)


Astrology - April 2013 Monthly Horoscope (Rasi Palan) for Kataga Rasi (Cancer)

Sun will be transiting into your 9th house and 10th house indicating favorable position for entire this month. Jupiter is in very good position! Mars would be on your 9th house until April 12th is good for you. By that time Sun is very close to your 10th house. Overall you will have enough transit planets strength during this month to lead your life happily.

Your health condition would be very good during this month. You will have significant relief for the next couple of months because of Jupiter. Exalted sun will also support your growth very much.

The relationships with your spouse will start improving during this month. Some existing problems with your spouse might get resolved during this month. Are you single? Stay caution. You may find your partnet but it does require your natal chart support. Your family would be very much supportive for you and they will give proper guidance currently.

Your work environment would be excellent during this month. Your income, promotion and bonus are most likely during this month!

You will manage your finance situation very well during this month. But avoid any kind of speculative trading even if your natal chart supports. Jupiter will provide enough financial support. You will start paying off your debt with your bonus or any other source of additional income.

You are being placed under a severe testing period because of Saturn placement in Thula Rasi. However the malefic effects of saturn will not manifest much until May 2013 because of Jupiter. Use the current time period to protect your investments and you have to stick into your natal chart for staying at your current position.

NOTE: You have to settle down in your finance in the next 8 weeks since severe testing period is indicated from June 2013 onwards for you.

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