2013 April Monthly Horoscope Predictions for Taurus (Rishaba Rasi)


Astrology - April 2013 Monthly Horoscope (Rasi Palan) for Rishabha Rasi (Taurus)

Sun will be transiting into your 11th house and 12th house indicating favorable position in the first half os this month. Mars in the 12th house from April 12th along with Sun would create more problems for you! However the good news is upcoming Guru Peyarchi by end of next month can protect you very well from the worst. This month going to be a short term testing period for you.

Your health would get affect again during this month. Especially your mental stress would be much more than physical. You will see problems all around you and you have to learn on how to keep your mind stable in hard times.

You will start having problems with your spouse especially after April 15th. Try to solve the problems by avoiding arguments with in your close family members.

Your work load will start going north and you need to put extra hours to complete the work. You will also start having problems with your collegues and managers. Your work related foreign travel may get postponed for 4-8 weeks, but the travel may be assured. If you are waiting for immigration benefits, it may not happen during this month.

Your finance situation will get worse this month to go better. Meaning the financial problem you face during this month would be very temporary. By mid of next month, your good time will pick up and you will succeed on everything you do.

This month is going to be a severe testing period for you but you will come out all the problems from middle of next month. Your good time will continue for over one year and you can keep smiling even though you face hard time during this month.

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