2013 August Monthly Horoscope Predictions for Gemini (Midhuna Rasi)


Astrology - August 2013 Monthly Horoscope (Rasi Palan) for Midhuna Rasi (Gemini)

Sun will be transiting into your 2nd house and 3rd house indicating favorable position in the second half of this month. Saturn and Rahu are in an unfavorable position. Mars on your Janma Sthanam would create more tension and make you feel unhappy for entire this month. The current position of Jupiter would make your life in miserable state and so be careful in anything you do! However because of Mars and Sun transit, you will have some relief from Aug 15, 2013.

Your health condition would keep getting this worst month also. With the array of upcoming family problems and work pressure, you would start losing energy on your body. You need to add more nutrition to youd food and do physical exercise. Watch you food intake - you may have to more spicy food!! You will start recovering your health from Aug 15, 2013.

You will start having conflicts with spouse and other close family members including your children. If you are looking for a match, then it is the perfect worst time since nothing will materialize. Be careful on your existing love and relationship since it can easily create temporary or permanent separation. Saturn will supply enough malefic energy to break their relationship.

Work environment would get much better from Aug 15 onwards and you will start seeing some relief. Your work pressure would come down and at least you will not have any new problems at your work environment.

It is going to a terrible time on your finance. Let it be anything you play in the stock market would go exactly opposite direction until you realize your loss by closing the position. Expenses will sky rocket by draining out your money. Note that wealth destruction is cleared indicated on the cards. Do not co-sign for anyone during this month since it would become your responsibily in the near future. You will have some support on your finance from Aug 15 onwards.

You are into very severe testing period during this month also. However you will have some relief towards the end of the month.

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