2013 August Monthly Horoscope Predictions for Scorpio (Vrishchik Rasi)


Astrology - August 2013 Monthly Horoscope (Rasi Palan) for Vrichiga Rasi (Scorpio)

Sun will be transiting into your 9th and 10th house indicating unfavorable position until middle of this month. You have started with 7 and 1/2 years Sani (Sade Sati Shani). Rahu and Ketu are placed very well. Mars would be in its worst position until Aug 18, 2013. Jupiter on 8th house along with Mars would make your life miserable during this month. You will feel the real heat of the planets during this month. You will have big relief starting Aug 15, 2013 onwards.

Your health condition would get affected adversely during this month. Keep good diet and exercise. Going forward, you have to concentrate more on prayers and meditation. Any warning signs on your health conditions should not be ignored.

The problems with your spouse would reach an elevated peak level during this month. Temoporary separation is also possible. This separation might be your spouse travelling on a vacation or work related travel. Avoid any kind of arguments with your spouse. Mars will make you angry during this month. Any law suits against you is also possible! Be careful on anything you do! or do not do anything and do not take any important decision. Keep buying time at least until end of this month. You will have some support from end of this month onwards.

If you have any love affairs, your mental pressure would be much more. Saturn and Jupiter will supply enough energy to break your relationship. If you are eligible single, wait for one more year since nothing would materalize. If you are still looking for a match, it will end up only in great pain.

It is better you stick with current Job especially if you are waiting for any kind of immigration benefit or loans or promotions from your current employer. BTW, there is no suprise if you get unemployed during this month. This would happen only for the people running with weak maha dasa. If you lose your Job this month, you will have to wait for at least 1 month to get it back.

You will have severe finance problems during this month. Any investments you do enjoy a smooth ride towards south making you upset. If you have any open position in the stock market, take the profits during this month. Stock market and any other long term investments would not be good from this point. . [Note that if you close any position, it will go up. But if you hold anything, it will go down. Now the ball is in your court].

If you consider buying a new home this time, it may very well happen but its value will go down by at least 50% very fast. Either the property would be registered on two parties or building condition would not be good. Stay away from real estate investments for now!

You are under first phase of 7 and 1/2 years sani (shani sade sati). It is a clear warning signal for any of your long term objectives and goals.

You are currently under severe testing period. Prayers and meditation can help you to keep your mind stable. You will find big relief towards end of this month. At least the intensity of the problems would go down.

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