2013 August Monthly Horoscope Predictions for Virgo (Kanni Rasi)


Astrology - August 2013 Monthly Horoscope (Rasi Palan) for Kanni Rasi (Virgo)

Sun will be transiting into your 11th house and 12th house indicating favorable position for entire of this month. Jupiter can do reasonably well for you this month. Mars transitting onto your 11th house from Aug 18, 2013 would make your feel happy in your work environment and can give great relief from the malefic effect of Jupiter and Saturn. Overall this month is looking much better than the last month.

You will recover your health back as the month progress with the support from Sun, Mars and Venus. Still you need to keep good diet and exercise. Mars will supply enough energy by end of month to make you feel confident to face problems.

The relationship with your spouse would not be smooth at least in the beginning of the month. You will also start having minor problems with other close family members. If you are single and looking for a match, you have to wait for one more year for the next Jupiter transit. You will start having some releif from Aug 18 onwards to your family problems.

Work environment would be very hectic however things will change towards the end of the month. You will start receiving enough credits from your manager. Unexpected bonus is also likely for some employed people. Any problems at your work place would get resolved by end of this month is the good news for you!

Financially it is going to be turn arond time. You will manage your expenses very well and start saving some money during this month. However stock market would not be good for you! If you have any open positions in the stock market, it is better to close them. [Note that if you close any position, it will go up. But if you hold anything, it will go down. Now the ball is in your court].

Overall this month is looking much better than the last month, eventhough you are under testing period.

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