2013 January Monthly Horoscope Predictions for Sagittarius (Dhanushu Rasi)


Astrology - January 2013 Monthly Horoscope (Rasi Palan) for Dhanushu Rasi (Sagittarius)

Sun will be transiting into your 1st house and 2nd house indicating unfavorable position for entire this month. While Jupiter is not favorable position, Saturn is in excellent position for you! Mars on 2nd house is also not good. But Rahu and Ketu are placed very well for you from this month onwards. You can be happy from this month onwards since the positive energies from the planets will be more than the negative energies.

Your health would be in good condition during this month. Saturn and Rahu combination on your 11th house can also very well support your physical health. Jupiter Rx is the only planet can create some problems on your health. But you will not feel the effect of Jupiter by end of this month onwards, especially if you are running good maha dasa or sub period (antar dasa).

If you have any misunderstanding with your spouse or children or any other close family members, it will get resolved during this month. Marriages and other suba karyas can be done with Saturn Support but expenese and jealous from the surrounding people would be more. It is advisible to wait until March 2013, if you can.

You will develop more hidden enemies at your work environment especially towards the end of this month. Your managers may not like you for some reasons which you can not understand! You will keep going very good at your work environment irrespective of the politics happening around you.

If you are working abroad, your projects may get extended for another 6 months or 12 months. But any other immigration benefits still be delayed for no reason.

Expenses will be keep moving up but inflow of money will also be more! Stay away from stock market and speculative since it can yield losses especially if you are running weak maha dasa. You will not have any problems with fixed assets such as homes, lands, long tern CDs or Government Bonds, etc.

This is going to be another month that can offer mixed results both good and bad for you. But the positive effects will be much more than the negatives. Your growth will skyrocket again from May 2013 after Guru Peyarchi.

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