2013 June Monthly Horoscope Predictions for Cancer (Kataga Rasi)


Astrology - June 2013 Monthly Horoscope (Rasi Palan) for Kataga Rasi (Cancer)

Sun will be transiting into your 11th house and 12th house indicating favorable position for entire this month. Mars would be on your 11th house would be great for you. Jupiter, Saturn and Rahu are not in good position. Even though you do not have support from major planets, you can continue to be happy somewhat during this month with the support of Venus, Mars and Sun.

Your health condition would continue to be very good during this month. You can enjoy your sound health at least until end of this month. Keep diet and exercise to maintain your good health. Begining of next month would not be good with respect your health and so stay cautious towards end of this month onwards.

The relationships with your spouse will continue to be good during this month. Some existing problems with your spouse might get resolved during this month. Are you single? Stay caution. You have to avoid any proposals from this point since they are unlikely to get materialize. You need very strong natal chart support, in case, if you want to get married.

Your work environment would continue to be excellent during this month. Your income, promotion and bonus are most likely during this month! However things will change towards the end of this month. You may have to expect unexpected around June 30th.

With the strength of Mars, you would do good on your finance. But Jupiter will also start dominate during this month. When mars goes out of favor by end of month and when Saturn Rx goes direct around the same time, you will feel the real heat from the planets. Note that wealth destruction is indicated on the cards and so avoid any new investments during this month. You may very well close down the positions. [Note that if you close any position, it will go up. But if you hold anything, it will go down. Now the ball is in your court].

You are being placed under a severe testing period because of Saturn placement in Thula Rasi and Jupiter in Midhuna Rasi. Keep prayers and meditation to keep your mind stable. Do exercise and yoga to protect your body. Have medical insurance from this point if you do not have one.

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