2013 June Monthly Horoscope Predictions for Sagittarius (Dhanushu Rasi)


Astrology - June 2013 Monthly Horoscope (Rasi Palan) for Dhanushu Rasi (Sagittarius)

Sun will be transiting into your 6th house and 7th house indicating favorable position for entire this month. Mars on your 6th house can give you great success. Saturn and Rahu are already in favorable position. Besides Jupiter on your 7th house will take you to enjoy the sky height in happiness.

Your health should be doing excellent during this month. The stress come down drastically compared to last month. The family problems, if any, will get resolved this month.

The problems with your spouse and close family members would get resolved and you would start having smooth relationship. And you will lead a very happy life from this month.

Your hidden enemies at your work environment will disappear during this month. Your managers will like you and they will give enough credits for the work you have done! It is also a very good time to change you job if you are not happy. Foreign travel is highly indicated on the cards. If you are working abroad, your immigration issues will get resolved this month. If you are waiting for green card in USA, you will get it or move onto next stage.

Expenses will be keep moving down from this month onwards and inflow of money will be much more! It is a good time to start trading provided your natal chart supports. You can do any long term investments or buying a new home or car this month.

Your excellent time already started. You will reach an elevated level in all aspects on your life. If you do not see any positive changes this month, then it is the time for you consult your local astrologer to check your natal chart.

Your rasi is going to enjoy the most compared all 12 rashi this month. You are non stoppable on your growth!

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