2013 June Monthly Horoscope Predictions for Virgo (Kanni Rasi)


Astrology - June 2013 Monthly Horoscope (Rasi Palan) for Kanni Rasi (Virgo)

Sun will be transiting into your 9th house and 10th house indicating favorable position in the second half of this month. Jupiter is taking its support for you this month. Mars in the 9th house will create problems only. Slowing saturn will direct towards the end of month will give s sequence of bitter pills to you!

You will recover your health somewhat due to strong presence of Sun and Venus. You need to start doing exercise and yoga to maintain your health since you can not expect this releif from next month onwards. Saturn will show again it"s true colors once it becomes by end of this month.

The relationship with your spouse would not be smooth. You will also start having minor problems with other close family members. If you are single and looking for a match, you have to wait for one more year for the next Jupiter transit.

Work environment would not be very pleasant but still you will have some support from your managers. Projects you do at your workplace would not go well. Its going to mixed during this month.

Your expenses will start moving up and income will strat moving down. Net savings would be less compared last couple of months. If you have any open positions in the stock market, it is better to close them. [Note that if you close any position, it will go up. But if you hold anything, it will go down. Now the ball is in your court].

Overall this month would be average and mixed. It will take you anywhere! But you need to be more careful towards end of this month since Saturn is going direct station.

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