2013 March Monthly Horoscope Predictions for Aries (Mesha Rasi)


Astrology - March 2013 Monthly Horoscope (Rasi Palan) for Mesha Rasi (Aries)

Sun will be transiting into your 11th house and 12th house indicating favorable position for first half of this month. Jupiter is in extreme good position for you. Saturn in retograde (vakra kadhi) will also reduce the malefic impact. ! Mars and Sun in 11th house will do wonderful things for you untile mid of this month! Overall this month positive energies will be much more compared to negative energies. And so you will be very happy during this month.

Your health would be in very good condition although some setback is seen after March 15. Since Jupiter is aspecting your 6th house, nothing to be worried on health perspective.

The relationship problems with your spouse will get resolved completely during this month. There will be some pressure from Rahu but it will not stop anything. If you are single, it is a perfect time to get engaged and get married. If you miss this period, you have to wait for couple of years to get married. Arranged marriages will be very good duing this period, given that saturn is on your 7th house.

Your work life would be very happy and you can enjoy a good vacation in before March 15, 2013. Your promotion and salary increase is highly indicated on the cards.

You will manage very debt problems very well during this month. Inflow of money will be much more than usual. You will settle down most of your debts. You may also consider doing refinancing your home. You may also invest in real-estate properties or in new vehicles. It is a good time to trade, can be vechicle, land or car, but before Mar 10, 2013.

Trading in stock market will be good but only based on your natal chart strength. Current ruling planets clearly do support trading but it does not mean that you will not lose money. You have to understand your natal chart strength before you get into trading.

Overall this month looks excellent! You can enjoy this month very well and will see happiness all around you!

NOTE: You will have to use the good time period that is between Jan 2013 to April 2013, to settle down in your life. Since severe testing period is indicated for you for 13 months starting from May 2013.

March 2013 Monthly Rasi Palan (Horoscope) for each moon sign

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