2013 March Monthly Horoscope Predictions for Gemini (Midhuna Rasi)


Astrology - March 2013 Monthly Horoscope (Rasi Palan) for Midhuna Rasi (Gemini)

Sun will be transiting into your 9th house and 10th house indicating favorable position in the second half of this month. Jupiter, Saturn and Rahu are already in an unfavorable position. Mars currently on your 10th house would make your work environment hectic. So you may expect to have more problems during this month also.

Your health condition may not be very good during this month however it would be better than last month. Your existing problems on your health will continue at a slower phase but no new problems arise. You will have some relief by second half of this month.

The problems with your spouse would be very hectic during this month. The marriage proposal will get delayed for no reasons and subha karyas will need to be postponed to later date beyond your control. Avoid unnecessary arguments with your close family members since it will increase your problems.

Work environment would be very hectic and tensed during this month also. Stay caution and control your anger in workplace. Any unwanted arguments with your collegue will create serious consequences since your time is not at all favorable. Besides if you do not have natal chart support, you may even get laid off during this month. If it happens, it would be hard for you to get another position in the short run. Stay defensive.

You have to be very careful in your finance. Expenses will skyrocket as usual for you. Stay away from trading, since it does not know any other direction except south.

Nothing has changed much favoring on your direction and so this months also looks hectic and problematic! However you will have some releif by second half of this month onwards.

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