2013 March Monthly Horoscope Predictions for Scorpio (Vrishchik Rasi)


Astrology - March 2013 Monthly Horoscope (Rasi Palan) for Vrichiga Rasi (Scorpio)

Sun will be transiting into your 4th and 5th house indicating unfavorable position for entire this month. Jupiter, Venus are in very much favorable position for you now. But you have just started with 7 and 1/2 years Sani (Sade Sati Shani). Mars is not placed well for you during this month also. Rahu and Ketu are placed very well. Overall the positive energies will outnumber the negatives and hence you will keep moving up in your life during this month.

Your health condition would be very good during this month. Your mind may get depressed due to Mars and Mercury Retrograde transit. Mercury would create communication problems during this month for you!

The relationship problems with your spouse would be smooth during this month. Eventhough Mars is not placed well, Jupiter donminate the relationship and will get you happiness for sure during this month.

You might be already in the process of selecting your match, if you are single. If so, you will get it engaged during this month! Your marriage may very well happen in the next couple of weeks. you may also get blessed with a baby during this time. Saturn will NOT disturb you tting engaged or married for you now.

Are you looking for a change in Job? With Jupiter Support, you would succeed in your efforts. Your work environment would be very smooth. But any efforts you put during this month onwards in applying for job and attending interviews are not good until otherwise you are forced to do so. It is better you stick with current Job especially if you are waiting for any kind of immigration benefit or loans or promotions from your current employer.

Jupiter can provide you financial support but saturn will not disturb you during this month. So you will start saving more and your bank balance will keep going up! You will also get a loan to invest in real estate or buy a home or vehicle.

If you have any open position in the stock market, take the profits during this month. Stock market and any other long term investments would not be good from this point. Check your natal chart for trading and investments from this month onwards.

You are under first phase of 7 and 1/2 years sani (shani sade sati). It is a clear warning signal for any of your long term objectives and goals.

As long as Jupiter is with you, you can have fun and keep smiling. You will feel the great happiness during this month also.

NOTE: You will have to use the good time period that is between Jan 2013 to April 2013, to settle down in your life. Since severe testing period is indicated for you for 13 months starting from May 2013.

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