2013 March Monthly Horoscope Predictions for Virgo (Kanni Rasi)


Astrology - March 2013 Monthly Horoscope (Rasi Palan) for Kanni Rasi (Virgo)

Sun will be transiting into your 6th house and 7th house indicating favorable position for entire this month. Jupiter is in wonderful position for you and now gained extraordinary power to support your growth. Mars in the 6th success until first Mar 4th will make you success over your enemies. Saturn retrograde station on Feb 18, 2013 should also do good things for you!

You will have excellent health condition this point. Mars and Sun aspecting from 7th house after March 14, 2013, you will have minor setback on your health. But since Jupiter is in full force, you will continue to have sound health through out this month also. You may have minor conflicts with your spouse, but nothing to be worried.

This is the best time find your match and get married. Things will come under your complete control to take a good decision. The family and situation around you would give great support to make the correct decision on your marriage. You will get engaged any time during this month and may get married on or before April 2013. If eligible, you would definitely get blessed with a child.

Promotions and Bonus are very much likely during this month. Salary hike is also indicated on the cards. you will get a visa to travel abroad since foreign opportunities. Many people might already be in the foreign country by this time.

It is going to be excellent time for your finance. You will start saving huge money currently and may very well start exploring options on investing into land or properties or buying a new home. If you have already started the process of buying the new home, then you can proceed. If you are starting anything new from this point, then you have to think twice since Jupiter is the only planet that is supporting your growth now.

It is a good time to hold stocks but not for new investments. You can go with your speculative investments and options trading from the start of this month provided your natal chart supports. Remember that you are still under last phase of shani sade sati.

Overall you would be very happy during this month.

NOTE: You will have to use the good time period that is between Jan 2013 to April 2013, to settle down in your life. Since severe testing period is indicated for you for 13 months starting from May 2013.

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