2013 May Monthly Horoscope Predictions for Leo (Simma Rasi)


Astrology - May 2013 Monthly Horoscope (Rasi Palan) for Simha Rasi (Leo)

Sun will be transiting into your 9th house and 10th house indicating favorable position from second half of this month. Saturn Rx is not good for you! Mars and Sun conjunction on your 10th house from May 21st can give you a big break on the problems you are facing. The major thing for you is Jupiter transit and Jupiter is getting ready to crash all your problems from end of this month onwards.

You will start recovering your health during this month. You will see big changes for sure during this month. Your mental stress would also come down drastically. It is a time to be optimistic for you!

The relationship issues with your spouse and children would get much better during this month. You will start receiving support from your spouse and family. Your long term wishes will come true.

Your work pressure will go down every week during this month. You will start receiving recognition from your managers. However if you are not happy with your current Job, it is time for you to prepare your resume. Only apply for positions from a big and well known companies since the chances are looking great for a while.

Eventhough your time is very good in the long run, stay away from trading since Stock market and speculative investments. If you have a very good natal chart supports trading, you may do that since Saturn can bring huge luck but only for very few people.

Your expenses will come under your control. You will start paying off your debt and add money onto your savings.

Note: Now you came out of your long waited testing period completely. Have fun and start enjoying your life for the next couple of months from this month onwards.

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