2013 May Monthly Horoscope Predictions for Libra (Thula Rasi)


Astrology - May 2013 Monthly Horoscope (Rasi Palan) for Thula Rasi (Libra)

Sun will be transiting into your 7th house and 8th house indicating unfavorable position only for entire this month. Saturn is already in problemtic position for you! Mars in 8th house from May 21st would amplify your tension and can create more problems. However Jupiter transit is a big break and can solve the problems you are facing now one by one from end of this month onwards.

Your health would continue to get affected during this month. You need to manage both your physical and mental stress. Keep a good diet and exercise to maintain good your health. You will some releif but only by end of this month.

Problems with your spouse are most likely during this month. Stay away from Love affairs, if single. This is not a good time to get married based on your transit effects. If you are not careful, then chances of separation is also indicated on the cards.

Work environment will again turn worst during this month. You will enter into panic mode again in your career during this month. But you can expect a big relief from middle of next month onwards. The problems at your work environment would be very short term. Besides there is no surprise if you get laid off especially by end of this month.

You need to be very careful on handling your finance. Stay away from stock market trade as huge loss and wealth destruction is indicated on the cards.

Still stay protective and defensive as your severe testing period continues with severe intensity. You will see big relief only by end of this months. 3 more weeks to go!

Note: Since you have come down so much on your life, you cannot expect a overnight relief after this guru peyarchi. Your time will gain momentum and will feel good relief only from June 28, 2013 (that is one month after guru peyarchi).

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