2013 September Monthly Horoscope Predictions for Scorpio (Vrishchik Rasi)


Sun will be transiting into your 10th and 11th house indicating favorable position for entire this month. You have started with 7 and 1/2 years Sani (Sade Sati Shani). Rahu and Ketu are placed very well. Mars is also reasonably placed well on your 9th house. Jupiter on 8th house is losing its energy is a very good sign for you! This month is looking excellent compared to last month in all aspects of your life. BTW, keep in mind that you can not grow much but there will not be any new problems. Success will come to you after hard work.

Should you have any questions based on your natal chart, you can reach out KT Astrologer for consultation, email: ktastrologer@gmail.com

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