2014 February Monthly Horoscope Predictions by KT Astrologer


Astrology - February 2014 Monthly Horoscope (Rasi Palan)

Sun will be transiting into Makara and Kumba during this month. Mars will be Thula Rasi for entire this month and goes retrograde by end of this month. Jupiter is in backward motion in Midhuna Rasi during this month also. Saturn & Rahu will continue to be in in Thula Rasi. Venus is going direct and Mercury is going retrograde by first week of Feb 2014.

Mercury retrograde, Venus Direct Motion by first week and Mars going retrograde by end of this month are the major events during this month. After a long time, Mars and Saturn are teaming up with Rahu, can create potential disaster in many areas of life in general. These combination will affect Mesha, Thula and Meena rasi the most. However Rishabha, Simha and Dhanushu Rasi people will enjoy the most.

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