2014 September Monthly Horoscope Predictions by KT Astrologer


Astrology - September 2014 Monthly Horoscope (Rasi Palan)

Sun will be transiting into Simha Rasi and Kanni Rasi during this month. Mars will enter into Viruchiga Rasi and will start continuing its regular motion after about an year. Jupiter will be in full force to give its effects by staying in Kataga Rasi. Upcoming Saturn transit impact can be felt very well from this month onwards and it will give great fortunes to Midhuna Rasi, Kanni Rasi, Makara Rasi and Meen Rasi people after several years. Unfortunatley saturn effects will be very bad for Dhanushu Rasi, Rishaba Rasi, Simha Rasi and Mesha Rasi people from this month onwards.

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