2015 April Monthly Horoscope Predictions by KT Astrologer | |
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Astrology - April 2015 Monthly Horoscope (Rasi Palan)
Sun will be transiting into Meena Rasi and Mesha Rasi during this month. Mars will be in Mesha Rasi for entire this month. Saturn will increase its speed and moving backwards continuously in Scorpio Moon Sign.
The major event for this month is Guru Bhagwan getting Vakra Nivarthi (Direct Motion) on April 08, 2015. This event will be considered as very significant and overnight changes can be expected in many people life and can cause world events accordingly.
In the Month of April, Jupiter energies will be at least 4 times than usual. So whoever is having favorable Jupiter aspects, will enjot great fortunes that is Midhuna Rasi, Kanni Rasi, Viruchiga Rasi, Makara Rasi and Meena Rasi.
But at the same time, people born in Rishabha Rasi, Kataga Rasi, Dhanushu Rasi and Kumba Rasi will see worst results because of Guru Bhagawan.
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